Sunil Kumar Bhatta

Sunil Kumar Bhatta

Sunil Kumar Bhatta, the Head of Logistics at Touch Kailash Travels and Tours, stands out as a highly responsible and invaluable member of the team. His contributions have been instrumental in the success of Touch Kailash. From efficiently organizing transportation, jackets, and equipment to flawlessly executing his responsibilities, Mr. Sunil is known for his impeccable track record with zero mistakes. From the moment of your arrival to your departure from Nepal, he will be your dedicated point of contact, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience.

Marked by enthusiasm and a strong commitment to his role, Sunil Kumar Bhatta plays a significant role in the operations of Touch Kailash. His attention to detail and proactive approach make him a key player in ensuring the success and satisfaction of every traveler associated with the company.